Today felt like my productivity was absolutely dismal, yet I still managed to crank out 3k(ish) words. One “world” arc is almost complete–at least for this book, there are to be 3 total in the series. The area of Mendoth has about 4-5 chapters left and it’s done.
Aerondy is slacking behind, so I tackled a chapter there. Basically, here’s how it’s organized.
I have 6 rotating POVs (3rd person limited).
Aldeshar – 21 years old. Male. Second son of the Mendothan king. Scholarly, intelligent, brilliant to a fault yet lacks the confidence. He is also a gay character, though he struggles with this due to the expectations of his not-so-warm and tyrant-like father.
Maurana (“Maura”) – 19 – Female. Aldeshar’s sister. Thirdborn of the Mendothan king. Had a different mother than her older brothers (Aldeshar and Ulryck). Strong-willing, doesn’t always think her actions through. Her ultimate goal is to become an assassin her father’s realm. (Hey, this is fantasy here!)
Tivik – 29 – Male. Cousin to the king of Aerondy. Aerondy was once part of Mendoth, but broke away 300 years ago. With the old king dead and the knew king (Norien) in place, relations between Mendoth and Aerondy are not exactly friendly. Tivik is sent to Mendoth to maintain the peace. Tivik is good with the sword and even better with politics, except when he lets his emotions get in the way of good, common sense.
Sarithel – 17, female. Sister to King Norien of Aerondy. Entitled, beautiful, a lady of the court. Aspires to marry “big” (king, wealthy). Seems impulsive at times. Has been rarely told “no.”
E’zreal – 15, male. Apprentice to the court mage of Aerondy. Young, talented, intelligent, ambitious. Is soon to test to become a “true mage.”
Wen – 9, female. Former servant of Mendoth. Caught using magic (Mendoth + magic = no no). Hunted by authorities. Shows signs of natural ability with the arcane arts.
The “Mendoth” area is almost complete: Maura, Aldeshar and Tivik
The “Aerondian” area is about halfway there. I need to catch up and compare timelines on first revision to make sure they match up.
Two houses at war–two narrative areas pulling at me. Damn royalty.
Either way, I’m getting close. I can taste it now. I’ve revised the outline and it should hold to the end.
My writing group has the first 50-odd pages as we speak. I’ll hear from them on the 10th.
Archived from: 8/4/2011