Point Check
Plot/Pacing Concerns I feel like I’ve smoothed over most of my halfway-there concerns. Plot/pacing is actually moving along quite nicely. Things are set to amp up considerably, at least in one of my...
View ArticlePaying off Debts
I feel like I’m at a point in the book where some of my storylines are beginning to pay off. Characters are reaching their breaking points, are forced into making hard decisions (or having those...
View ArticleRunner’s High
This must be how runner’s feel once they’ve hit that endorphin-induced high. Almost 10k words today. I’m to the point where the story seems to be coming out of me on its own. Every time I stood to...
View ArticlePushing Ahead
Today felt like my productivity was absolutely dismal, yet I still managed to crank out 3k(ish) words. One “world” arc is almost complete–at least for this book, there are to be 3 total in the...
View ArticlePlugging Along
I’ve slowed my pacing again. My writing is also less vivid and a bit dry. While I’m tempted to take a short break I also want to keep working, even if it’s one day at a time (at 1000 words a day). I...
View ArticleSigns of Promise
Nearing the 100k mark. Whew! I’ve been knocking a few thousand words a day, though the pace is considerably slower, at least now. No issue there. Kindle has this great feature where you can upload...
View ArticleSliding
As you can see, I’m nearing the 100k mark (which was my goal for draft 1). I’m not sure how far I’ll go over that, but I do foresee me doing so. If I follow my outline to the letter, I have 10 more...
View ArticleRoad Bump
The word count is still moving but I am stuck on my second narrative arc. It’s not enough of an arc, not enough of a crisis. So, I need to battle this out in my wee lil’ brain before I finish the...
View ArticleLast Call
Well, I’m nearly done. I finished the two “climactic” chapters (E’zreal and Aldeshar), piddled around on the final character chapter (Wen). All that’s left is to finish Wen’s (which will give us an...
View ArticleFini!
I have officially conquered the first draft. Final word count: 110,645. That means I have about 15k in terms of additional material (during revision). I think I can do it. Tomorrow, I’ll add in all...
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