This must be how runner’s feel once they’ve hit that endorphin-induced high. Almost 10k words today. I’m to the point where the story seems to be coming out of me on its own. Every time I stood to take a break I found myself drawn back to the computer.
One of my big narrative arcs is reaching its zenith and it’s difficult to pull away from it. I’ve put three POVs aside for now to “ride the dragon,” so to say. There is one more point of view (chapter) that I might tackle in this arc before switching. While this arc has been slowing building the other is far more erratic in nature, rising quickly then falling and rising again. Furthermore, it will give me a chance to write from a languid, serenity once again where I allow myself to linger in the details.
As I am nearing the 100k mark, I’m realizing that I may very well go over that original word count. I imagine many writers do, especially writers of fantasy. Furthermore, my revisions will only add more to that word count and while I had taken that into consideration (thinking the book to reach its end at around 120k) it may, in fact, grow larger.
It’s a grand feeling, I have to say.
I’m tired, though. My eyes are sore and my brain is starting to turn to gelatin. Another two weeks at this rate and I’ll finish the first draft. Then, the hard part begins.
Archived from: 8/3/2011