The word count is still moving but I am stuck on my second narrative arc. It’s not enough of an arc, not enough of a crisis. So, I need to battle this out in my wee lil’ brain before I finish the “Aerondians” (E’zreal, Wen and Sarithel). There was a mini-climax, but it will not suffice, so something bigger has to happen, something that brings both arcs together.
It might be time to pull out some of my plotting exercises, to read some of Nancy Kress’s “Beginnings, Middles and Ends,” and resolve this.
The “Mendoth” side of things are actually coming together very nicely and I’m happy with how it’s turned out. I’m slowly descending into denouement now for Maura. Aldeshar is close behind and Tivik’s will be wrapped up soon enough as well.
All will have semi-resolved arcs, and all will be poised to continue their journeys in book two.
But, the fact that I need a bigger climax tells me that I’ll have some rewriting to do before the first draft is done and that I will undoubtedly go way over in word count.
All is well. I’m a good “pruner.” I just have to figure a few things out.
Archived from: 8/13/2011